Clean-Up Day

Calendar Date:
Saturday, November 13, 2021 - 10:00am to 1:00pm

Dumpsters will be at the Public Works Department, 1205 3rd St, from 10am to 1pm. No trash will be accepted after 1pm. 

GET RID OF YOUR UNWANTED ITEMS FOR FREE!!! Can't get your trash to us? Schedule a pick-up by emailing or call 541-922-3226x113

Clean-Up Day Disclaimer

*Items must be located on the sidewalk or side of the roadway and easy to grab. Staff will not go into any alleys and will not pick-up any items located directly on your property. Staff will not climb into any trailers or other vehicles to retrieve items. Staff will not collect any bio-hazards. Staff reserves the right to refuse to pick-up items for any reason.